Alice Ruby Di-Tanna
Born 14th March 2012
9.50pm (cowboy time!)
7lbs 14
I had her with only gas and air as pain relief (which I am quite proud of by the way!). I was having pains from 3am on and stayed at home will 6.30pm. Got examined at 7pm and was 4cm. My waters broke when i was fully dilated at 10cms then it was all systems go! PUSH!
Unfortunatly I suffered third degree tears and had to have an operation after she was born (which lasted an hour and a half!) I was quite poorly for the week after her birth and had to stay in hospital for 4 days - but got discharged on mothers day, perfect!!
Im a little obsessed with taking pictures of her (I have lots and lots) - but i think the best thing to do would be to upload some of my favourite ones with the date they were taken.
I will be uploading for frequently now that Im feeling a little more human - and it will give me something to do on these topsy turvy days - I have no sense of time or date - its just always baby time!
So here goes with some (of the many) photo's:
...more to come
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