Wednesday, 13 June 2012

13 weeks: Injections, Baby Massage, Football

So, Alice is 13 months old today (if you count by the weeks).  But if you count by the date - she'll be 3 months tomorrow.

She had her second lot of injections last Wednesday - and yet again she was a very brave girl :) I have one chilled out baby.

We went to baby massage yesterday, and i think she likes it - if only for her to be very nosy and have a good look at other little bambino's.

Alice slept through last night! I feel very rested :) She went from 11pm-7.45am which is a little bit brilliant if you ask me.

She joined in with the football madness in our house (and next door at mum and dads next door). The boys are very much into their football - and have bought Alice her own little England kit. Daddy wants to get her an Italian kit now though.



This week I have noticed that Alice is a little obsessed with her hands all of a sudden - she's either trying to get them all in her mouth, trying to suck her thumb or starring at them! Haha. Bless her.

Sunday, 3 June 2012

11 weeks: Anna & Matts Wedding

Yesterday, one of my best friends - Anna got married.

The happy couple. 

These were the wedding favours that Anna made herself. Love them!